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"Working with simple forms and shapes enables me to capture the basic elements of life."

-- William Cain

European Expression
As a former model, t.v. actor, and illustrator who worked in Europe, artist William Cain easily relates to the European lifestyle and chooses snapshots of daily life as the subject of his vibrant, often minimally detailed scenes. He captures people going about their chores in picturesque spontaneity of their natural settings. "I've found that working with simple forms and shapes and the use of chiaroscuro (light and dark) enables me to capture the basic whimsical elements of life and the world I have lived in," says Cain, who was born in Pasadena, C.A. The artist currently resides in La Quinta, a town in Southern California.

Cain’s work reflects a very European feel that he considers neo- or post Impressionist with a figurative element. A rustic Tuscany and Mediterranean influence is evident in his work, but it also has a more whimsical feel. In Rice Pullers, he humorously paints a trio of robust women lifting their skirts and bending to reach the ground as they labor over the land.

Cain credits his mother as a source of early inspiration for his work an artist herself, she encouraged him to pick up a pencil and start creating at an early age. Cain went on to study film and art at New York University the School of Visual Arts and numerous fine art academies in Europe and was inspired by many of the European films that were produced in the 1950s and 1960s. These left an impression on him, particularly La Strada starring Anthony Quinn. "The characters were dated, but were in emotional situations that we as humans continually find ourselves in."

The artist says that although most of the Impressionist have influenced him, he doesn’t paint in a truly Impressionist style. Cain often uses his fingers to achieve a blending technique that creates a smoother surface. Many people have commented on his sense of color usually natural Mediterranean- specifically Tuscany earth tones. Cain is seeking a presence in retail. He has been eyeing licensing opportunities and sees the first opportunities within the paper products arena (art cards, limited editions etc.) but see his images on a wide array of products and endorsement.